This territory needs more mental health services and the government is working to deliver these services more broadly across the Yukon. To expand the services available, the government is hiring 11 mental health workers.
These new resources mark a major step forward in the Yukon Liberal Caucus’ dedicated work to improve mental health services in rural Yukon.
Recruitment has started for eight new mental wellness and substance use counsellors, two new mental health nurses and one new mental wellness and substance use therapist.
Some of these new employees will join teams in community hubs, which will provide specialist services to communities within their areas. Community hubs will be established in Dawson City, Haines Junction, Carmacks and Watson Lake. While supports differ in each hub, generally there will be mental wellness and substance use counsellors, mental health nurses, child and youth counselors and therapists.
The communities of Old Crow, Mayo, Ross River, Carcross and Teslin will all receive a mental wellness and substance use counsellor. This person will be a dedicated resource in the community.
These positions will be able to provide assessment, screening, and crisis management and supportive counselling when needed. This person will be a referral and connection point to more specialized services that will be provided by community hubs.
“These new staff members will support individuals through all stages of their recovery journey, providing consistent support and ensuring aftercare services for transitioning back into the community. This is about providing Yukoners the supports they need where they are — in their home communities.” Health and Social Services Minister Pauline Frost.
All new positions will be integrated to work collaboratively with supports already on the ground — such as community health nurses, home care workers, regional social workers, and others as well as First Nations staff.